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CST3013K – Camshaft kit, Classic/Historic saloon car



Price - £395.00 + VAT

Dubbed the 'RE284' this cam was developed for classic/historic saloon car racing where the car is carrying quite a bit of weight and is especially good where twin SUs have to be used. Devastating with a Weber as well.

Independent dyno tests by Richard Longman & Co concluded it was the best available race cam at the time of testing.

The relatively short duration gives plenty of torque, rapid acceleration yet surprisingly strong top-end.

Will pull strongly from 2,500rpm to 8,500rpm if required.

Best performance is in the 3,000 to 7,500rpm power band.

Requires block boring/reaming out to take larger diameter cam followers. For use with standard diameter cam followers, see CST3015K. Recommended compression ratio for this cam is 12.0:1-12.2:1.

All cams have A+-type slot drive for oil pump.
Kit contains cross-drilled camshaft from a blank, larger diameter cam followers, cam lube, valve springs and installation instructions.