Price - £625.00 + VAT
Now only applied to customer supplied casting. It is now often cheaper to have head castings collected by my carriers from overseas customers and brought back to me. Ask me for a cost guesstimate. I can offer the collection service to UK customers as well to save them the hassle of sorting a courier company. Often cheaper too!
Spec -Inlet valves: Genuine REC 33,27mm, single groove collet EN214N plasma-nitrided.Exhaust valves: CST 27,18mm, single groove collet EN214N plasma-nitrided.Guides: Manganese bronzeStem seals: Sprung Viton type on all 8.Valve springs: Bespoke to camshaft spcc being used.Top caps: Standard.Collets: Standard single groove.Chamber cap: Tailored to suit application.
Based on used core 12G295 original Cooper spec castings, this is a fully reconditioned unit but fitted with larger valves. The larger REC inlet valve is used to achieve a well-performing valve seat/throat area. The 295 is notorious for having very narrow inlet valve seats as standard leaving no material to work with to improve flow. This inlet valve allows a good, multi-angle seat profile to dramatically improve flow. A larger exhaust valve is fitted to help balance the flow. The ports in the 12G295 head are already verging on being too big, so do not require modification for the vast majority of applications.
Fitted with exhaust seat inserts for unleaded fuel compatibility.
All cylinder heads are done to order as I have always more heads on order than I can ever hope to catch up with to produce stock for the shelf.